In October at SimpleREV I had the opportunity to share the story that became part of the reason why Break The Twitch exists today. After reviewing four years of Amazon Prime order history I realized that I had a serious problem. I had spent about five to six international plane tickets worth of money on $20-100 dollar items delivered in two days via Amazon.com.

For years, I had allowed myself to twitch without first thinking of the collective total effect. I unintentionally, unconsciously lived in a way that didn’t give me the kind of happiness and contentment I was looking for. The impact of lengthening the time between desiring and acquiring has been incredibly positive. I also created this decision filter to help make the not-purchasing process easier. This year, when my Amazon Prime subscription ends on January 26th, I will not be renewing it. Don’t worry though, I heard that ten million new Prime members joined over the holiday season, so I think they’ll be able to keep the lights on over there in Seattle.